Thursday, May 06, 2010


This paper seeks to bring forth the commonly held preliminary notions of social interaction before an individual enters a state of association as characterized by dynamics of the triad. I argue that because of the tenacity of circular, unprogressive and at times one-sided judgements on the nature of being, often understated and taken-for-granted simulations of associative behaviours, as well as the pre-associational, albeit socially constructed cognitive expectations of these generalized simulations of behaviour, societal interactions today in contemporary societies are almost all but hanging by vague and thin social strands that are typically produced, arranged, packaged and thereby signified to be "social" by symbolic entrepreneurs with vested interests in the symbolic economy of Capitalism.

Ultimately, I intend to prove that Baudrillard's schema of "death" of the social and meaning was, and still and always will be misguided, for the hyper-reliance of Capitalism symbolic entrepreneurs on pre-postmodern systems of meaning ambiguity in order to maintain systems of symbolic needs structured to force consumers to continue engaging in the satisfaction of these needs. Thus, Baudrillard's suggestion of "Seduction" to bring back systems of ambiguity only serves to maintain the hegemony and relevance of the Symbolic Economy.

This paper will then suggest that the key method to break this patterned hegemony of the symbolic/sign economy is to further engage in another of Baudrillard's suggestions, which is to push for an hyper-overloading of signified reality for all spheres of an ideal-typical social reality of the individual, where personalized structures of discipline, punishment and restraint help in dogmatically preventing the individual from any recognition, understanding or even curiousity towards any alternative interpretation of all social phenomena, reality and intrinsic being. In simple terms, this means the individual must personally institute cultures to stop oneself from actively seeking meaning to understand social reality. This paper will finally end off by "connecting the dots" to show how such a course of action will very quickly break the already-settling equilibrium characterized by the Capitalist Sign/Symbolic Economy, and further dissolve related institutions and structures and dogmatically force progress into fully meaningful forms of societal organization and human behaviour.

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